Private Problem Solving
Coaching is a service to support personal or team communication power. It walks through the issues that are causing stress, working to understand what’s going on – really – and then to develop a plan to turn that into something better.
This is not counselling. It is forward looking and focussed on insights and actions to make changes that matter.
In discussion we explore the situation, we look for what would be more desirable circumstances and explore potential solutions and action. We experiment with new ideas, approaches and we assess what works and why.
Sometimes it takes an outsider to help unblock, un-chock and hold to account action that will make the difference.
To act differently first requires thinking differently – and getting to that insight moment: the a-ha, the OMG, the I-never-thought-of-it-like-that moment. This is very empowering.
Coaching is a working process that helps to find the solutions you choose to apply to make the difference in getting what you want.
Communication In Life |
The people who matter most to us, are sometimes the ones where we have the most painful problems connecting to understand and to influence. A lot of pain and distress is caused by communication we have with those we love. We get into a rut of the usual conflict, the usual contest. Longstanding and entrenched habits of interacting cause a lot of hurt. Nothing will change until you change something. You are the biggest influence in your life – people respond to you and what you do. Change the patterns – change the relating – change the response. Coaching gives you the support and confidence to find a new way. |
What’s Included
Ready to Go? You are the one best able to influence your happiness. Book Now |
Better Communication In the Workplace |
Disengagement of your staff costs money. When the workplace is unfriendly, unsupportive and isolating or worse – then you lose productivity, initiative and the willingness to go the extra when things are helpful. Happier staff, helpful staff means easier communication with colleagues, clients, customers and their employer, to get good outcomes – because it matters. When you have good people who know the business and are highly valued – but they just can’t get along with people, can’t manage performance or create collaborative solutions with peers – then coaching could help. This is the time for communication coaching to build new insights and new practices. Team coaching works out what will deliver happier people and better productivity. Coaching is about having space to frankly discuss what is going on, with a focus on fixing it. |
What’s Included
Ready to Go? Packages can be tailored to particular needs.Book Now |